Updates on recent developments and new features

Quite some time has passed since the last update so a new post was really due. The site layout went under further substantial redesign in the meantime, and several new functionalities have been added.

A quick summary of the new features fielded since the last post:

  • Several organ volume calculators for multiple modalities, such as a spleen volume calculator for ultrasound and CT/MRI, and a liver volume calculator for CT/MRI
  • A tool to calculate the tumor response category according to the Choi response criteria (originally designed for GIST, but since then used to assess behavior of other tumors too)
  • A tool for calculating the global cortical brain atrophy scale according to Pasquier et al.

You have most certainly noticed that advertisements have appeared on the site. Radcalculators.org at this point is a completely solo project with no supporters of any kind. While the work on the site is done essentially pro bono, the costs of site upkeep and maintenance cannot be escaped. This decision was made since the current situation would not be sustainable in the long run. I would like to keep the number of ads to the absolute minimum, and even phase them out if alternative options arise that make the site self-sustaining.