Segmental Magnetic Resonance Index of Activity (MaRIA) score calculator of ileocolonic Crohn’s disease activity (MRI)

Note to first time users: calculating the MaRIA score necessitates multiple, accurate measurements of bowel wall enhancement and signal intensity. If unfamiliar with the MaRIA score please go through the primary publications listed below, and make sure that measurements are carried out on the appropriate sequences. Note that the segmental MaRIA score is not the same as the simplified MARIA score (MARIAs) published in 2019. A calculator for the MARIAs can be found here, and should be used particularly of no intravenous contrast was used.


The formula

  • The MaRIA score is calculated with the following formula:
    • MaRIA = 1.5 * wall thickness + 0.02 * RCE + 5 * edema + 10 * ulceration
  • The relative contrast enhancement (RCE) equation:
    • RCE = [(WSI postgadolinium – WSI pregadolinium) / (WSI pregadolinium)] * 100 * (SD noise pregadolinium / SD noise postgadolinium)
      • WSI: wall signal intensity of the bowel wall measured on T1-weighted (e.g. VIBE sequences). Three pre- and postcontrast measurements should be performed, and the ROI should be placed to the same locations on both sequences.
      • SD noise: the average of three SD of the signal intensity measured outside(!) the body before and after gadolinium administration

Practical points

The global MaRIA index

Last updated: 2021-10-20