Adrenal washout calculator (CT)

Note: this calculator should be used primarily for adrenal washout protocol multi-phase CT examinations of lipid-poor adrenal lesions. Please also note that >4 cm lesions are concerning for malignancy regardless of their washout characteristics. For further information please read the detailed notes below the calculator.


The washout formulas

  • Absolute washout:
    • [(HUportal venous phase) – (HUdelayed)] / [(HUportal venous phase) – (HUnon-enhanced)] x 100
  • Relative washout:
    • [(HUportal venous phase) – (HUdelayed)] / (HUportal venous phase) x 100

Practical points and limitations of washout imaging

For further reference please visit the articles on adrenal washout and adrenal adenomas.

Last updated: 2021-10-24