Simplified Magnetic Resonance Index of Activity (MARIAs) calculator for Crohn’s Disease

Note: this calculator can be used to calculate the simplifed MARIAs score published in 2019. It is not to be confused with the more complex segmental MaRIA score designed earlier. A calculator for the latter can be found here.


The simplified MARIA score

The global MARIA index

  • The global index can be obtained by this tool, simply adding the MARIAs in the following six segments:
    • rectum
    • sigmoid
    • descending colon
    • transverse colon
    • ascending colon
    • ileum
  • One significant advantage of the MARIAs over the original MaRIA score is that normal bowel segments have a score of 0, and thus do not contribute to the global index. This means that the global score can not be underestimated in patients who had prior bowel resections.

Practical points

  • While the MARIAs can be used to assess rectal Crohn’s disease activity, other scoring systems such as the original and modified Van Assche indices exist specifically for this purpose.

Last updated: 2021-10-21