Volume doubling time (VDT) calculator for pulmonary nodules (volume-based)

Note to first time users: This calculator requires the volume of the investigated nodule at the initial and follow-up examinations. This should be obtained whenever possible via volumetry. Alternatively you can obtain an approximate nodule volume with a spherical formula here, however be aware that this only gives a rough estimate of the VDT. As a further alternative (e.g. for subsolid nodules) you can use this diameter-based formula, however note that this method is also less reliable. The calculator can also be used to check whether based on the initial nodule volume follow-up and VDT calculation are a reasonable approach to management. Please read the detailed ‘Notes’ section below too.



  • This calculator uses the modified Schwartz formula:
    • VDT = [ ln2 × ∆T ] / [ ln( X2 / X1 ) ]
      • X2 and X1 = the final and initial nodule volumes
      • ∆T = time (in days) between the two scans
      • ln = natural logarithm

How to interpret the VDT

Acquisition parameters are important too

Last updated: 2021-08-25